Favorite Friday Linky Party #19 March 15, 2013 at I am Not a Trophy Wife

Hi there everyone! Thanks for joining the party!

Linda has done it again over at With a Blast and her Lemon Custard no bake. I have to admit I am not a fan of the idea of custard, but Linda’s recipe may just win me over! I am so happy she told us what tennis biscuits are? With a family of tennis players.. that got my attention!

If you have not be over to Kirby’s blog Kirb Appeal you have got to visit. She is hilarious! And, I don’t like people who are funnier than me! And, she is an English teacher so she is like a double threat… I am sure she is a triple threat. Showoff! Anyway, her post and before/after photos on her bathroom are amazing!

Favorite Friday Linky Party Rules:

  1. Link up 1-2 of your favorite posts, projects, recipes, crafts… as long as you love it, link it!
  2. Add a link back to this Favorite Friday I’m Not a Trophy Wife.
  3. Please follow me on one of my social sites at the top of my blog (right hand corner)!
  4. I would love a quick comment and spend a few seconds checking a few other entries!

Ready, Set, Go!

By Laura

I am a housewife living in the countryside, with a love for butter, German Shepherds, and Mary Martin.

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